Summer Term Events

3 students in netball gear
students on a paddleboard

Key Calendar Dates Summer Term 2024


Week 6 – Monday 20th to Friday 24thMay

Whole school exam week

HALF TERM – Monday 27th to Friday 31stMay

Week 7 – Monday 3rd to Friday 7th June

Whole School Residential Trips week

  • Year 10 – Tall Ship experience in the Mediterranean
  • Years 8 & 9 – Green Week in Chamonix Valley
  • Year 7 – Sailing at the Isle of Wight

Week 8 – Monday 10th to Friday 14thJune

Year 10 Geography Field Trip, Thursday 13thJune

Week 9 – Monday 17th to Friday 21stJune

Year 10 parents evening, Tuesday 18th June

DofE Bronze Training Expedition, Tuesday 18th& Wednesday 19th June

Week 10 – Monday 24th to Friday 28thJune

Whole School Summer Sports Day, Tuesday 25th June

DofE Bronze Qualifying Expedition, Wednesday 26th & Thursday 27th June

DofE Silver Training Expedition, Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th June

Week 11 – Monday 1st – Friday 5rh July

LPSC Showcase and Prizegiving, Tuesday Evening 2nd July

Term ends, 12pm Friday 5th July