Visit Us

Interested in visiting LPS Clapham in person? We’d love to show you around our newly renovated buildings and much more importantly, to give you a sense of our vibrant and warm community.

We hold regular informal tours with the option of a coffee with the Head and senior team afterwards to help answer any questions. This is the perfect way to get a sneak peak and a sense of what we are about and offer.

We also hold Open Mornings in the Summer and Autumn terms, primarily for those looking for entry the following year.  Bookings for 2026 Open Mornings will open shortly.

We look forward to meeting you.

Open Mornings for 2026 Entry

There’s nothing like seeing and feeling a school in action to know whether this could be the right fit.  We believe in the power of experience and warmly invite you to come and see us for yourself.  Our Open Mornings are a way to see all that we have to offer and get a flavour of our ethos and approach.

Our next Open Mornings for anyone considering September 2026 entry will be in May and October.  Bookings will open closer to the events.

Friday Tours and Head's Coffee at LPS Clapham

Come and have a tour with our students and see what we can offer your child in our smaller, close-knit community and follow this up with a coffee and an informal chat with senior staff.

Spring Term Head’s Coffees

We have two Head’s Coffee mornings and tours in the Spring term:

  • Friday 7th February 9.15
  • Friday 21st March 9.15

Summer Term Head’s Coffees

We will have one Head’s Coffee mornings and tour in the Summer term.

  • Thursday 19th June 9.15


Bookings for our Summer Term Open Morning for September 2026 entry in May will open later this term.


Come and find out more about LPS Clapham at one of our informal Head’s Coffees and tours.

  • Friday 7 February 9.15-10.30
  • Friday 21 February 9.15-10.30
  • Thursday 19 June 9.15-10.30

Click below to book your place.


(Bookings for our next full Open Morning in May will open later this term.)