students in art class

Academic Overview

LPS Clapham offers a wide range of subjects, sports and activities, enabling students to take a varied range of GCSEs across the arts, languages, STEM subjects, humanities, music, drama and sport.

As a smaller school within a larger group, our bespoke approach means that we are always willing to discuss the possibility of exploring other subjects.  We can also facilitate students who may want to take a non-curriculum exam (e.g. native language GCSE).

You can view our latest GCSE Options guide here.

Years 7 - 9

All students study the following subjects:

  • Art
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computing
  • Design Technology
  • Drama
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • How Science Works
  • Maths
  • Modern Foreign Languages (French & Spanish)
  • Music
  • Physical education/Sport
  • Physics
  • Theology, Philosophy and Religion (TPR)

In Years 7 and 8 our Humanities subjects are taught as an integrated unit to enable students to make deeper and more meaningful connections between subjects and to help them think of contextual issues.  This not only deepens understanding but stands them in good stead when it comes to understanding broader themes at GCSE.

Wherever possible, other units are also linked and integrated in teaching approaches, e.g. teaching forces in Physics alongside Levers and Pulleys in DT; ensuring that Chemistry formulae are taught in the same way as those in Maths.

As a smaller school our teachers are able to discuss these issues more easily and can plan timetables and topics to coincide more easily

Broader Curriculum

In addition, students are encouraged to get involved in community projects and leadership challenges through the Dukes Young Leaders Programme and Duke of Edinburgh award scheme.

We run many trips and enrichment opportunities with both day and residential trips that broaden and deepen areas of development and understanding.