Our smaller size means every face is known and every voice is heard. We understand individual needs and help students with any worries, whether it be through tutor groups or counselling.
Pastoral Care
Excellent Pastoral Care
Each student has a tutor who they meet every day. Our tutor groups are vertical, enabling younger students to develop cross-year friendships and enabling older students to hone their mentoring skills. With tutor time twice daily, a tutor can tell instantly when something is off.
Our brilliant learning enrichment department ensures we support every child to best suit their needs. LPS Clapham is a tight-knit family where everyone looks out for each other.
Tutor System
Every student is under the supervision and care of a tutor who oversees their academic, social and personal wellbeing. Tutor groups are small and vertical, containing pupils from multiple year groups. Tutors have regular meetings, both formal and informal, group and one-to-one, with their tutees. At these meetings they will discuss academic performance and extra-curricular activities, as well as any problems of a personal nature.
House System
In addition to our tutorial system, pupils are also placed in a House. With its emphasis on loyalty and togetherness, the House system is instrumental in encouraging a sense of camaraderie, belonging and healthy competition within the school.
Houses compete through a system of merits that operates from week to week and leads up to a termly merit competition. There are also inter-house matches and other contests held at intervals throughout the year.
Prefects and positions of responsibility
Students learn valuable skills by setting out the reasons why they believe they would make a good prefect. Applications are considered by the Head and SLT.