In Years 10 and 11 students study for eight to ten GCSEs, five or six of which are compulsory. Students choose an additional three or four subjects on top of these. Depending on the subject and the student, some subjects may be taken earlier than others.
GCSE Options
Compulsory Subjects
- English Language
- English Literature
- Maths
- Science: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
- All students study all three sciences, but will be entered for either:
- Triple Award (ie three separate GCSE qualifications in Physics, Chemistry and Biology)
- Double Award (a combined qualification from papers in all three sciences, resulting in two GCSEs)
- All students study all three sciences, but will be entered for either:
Option Subjects
Students choose three options from the following:
- Art, Craft & Design (including photography)
- Drama
- French
- Further Maths (by invitation)
- Geography
- History
- Media Studies
- Music
- Physical Education
- Pyschology
- Spanish
We can also act as an examinations centre for other languages (even if we don’t teach them).