LPS Sixth


We take safeguarding seriously

Designated Safeguarding Leads

At London Park Schools, safeguarding is central to all we do, with every member of staff having a role to play in the safeguarding of the students in our care.  All staff, whether teachers or support staff, undertake regular safeguarding training and are confident to act on and report any concerns.

For any enquiries or concerns about safeguarding, please refer to one of our team Designated Safeguarding Leads

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Sarah Sword

Email: s.sword@londonparkschools.com
0203 9497416
DSL Mobile: 
07751 058869

Deputy DSLs

DDSL Mobile: 07751 058869
0203 9497416

Safeguarding Governor

Professor Mark Bailey
Email: mark.bailey@dukeseducation.com
07469 258814