Pastoral Care

Pastoral care is the cornerstone of LPS education. By demonstrating warmth, kindness, compassion and encouragement, we give students the perfect conditions to thrive.

Our starting point is to understand the hopes, dreams, aspirations and strengths of all our students.  By knowing each student really well we can help guide them, support them and help them on their way to be and deliver their very best.

students in class

Today's Learners, Tomorrow's Leaders

We have a strong focus on helping students develop their leadership skills. We provide mentoring opportunities and other developmental opportunities including Model UN, debating, presentational skills and more.

Wellbeing and PSHE

Wellbeing and PSHE is built into the timetable for all students. Lessons are delivered by teaching staff and visiting speakers, covering a range of moral, spiritual, cultural and political issues, including AI, the safer use of technology, positive body image, managing anxiety and more.

Student Voice

All students are encouraged to speak up and out and meet Mr Mountford and other senior leaders regularly to express their views.  Student voice is an important part of developing and sustaining our community and we take what they say seriously.  We provide regular feedback sessions and opportunities for students to meet and discuss their views.